

Jan 01, 2011 - Dec 31, 2013

Capacity Building for Non Profits Program

Title: Capacity Building for Non Profits
Date: Oct-2010 to Dec-2011
Location: Lebanon
Partner: LAU - Continuing Education Program

The emphasis of the program is mainly on NGO Management and Development which provides participants with working knowledge of the managerial, financial, and organizational aspects of non-profits in society.

Accordingly, two disciplines are adopted, The Organizational Planning for NGOs as a whole and The Personal Dynamics for team members as change agents. Another focus takes place when dealing with the particular issue of the private sector characterized by the concept of Corporate Social Responsibility and its relation with NGOs.

• To address real-life problems in a participatory and interactive learning environment to help enhancing the management capacity of NGOs
• To advance the improvement of the civil society at large by promoting the standards of sustainable development principles