

Do you live in the Euro-Mediterranean region? Are you between the ages of 18 and 29? Do you care about Euro-Mediterranean women’s issues and aspire to make change for the better?

If the answer is yes, this is your place on board our ship!

Now the “Mediterranean Women’s Ship” is ready to welcome you!

Under the patronage of His Excellency Dr. Georges Kallas, Lebanese Minister of Youth and Sports, the “Mediterranean Youth Foundation” launches the “Mediterranean Women’s Ship”, with the support of Erasmus+ student and Almuni Alliance (ESAA eu) in cooperation with the “Oceans Network” and a number of Lebanese organizations.

The activities of the “Mediterranean Women’s Ship” will be launched in the Republic of “Lebanon” to address: 1) Gender stereotypes; 2) Multiculturalism and gender, social and common challenges; and 3) Hate speech based on gender.
